Did you know that the month of August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month? Pets itch for many reasons, and it can happen randomly. So, what causes itchy pets? The reasons for itchy pets can range from parasites to outdoor allergens… Read More
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Immunization Awareness Month: Familiarizing with How Vaccines Work
To understand how vaccines work, knowing how the body fights illness is essential. When germs invade the body, they attack and multiply. Therefore, this invasion (or infection) is what causes disease. Our immune system uses our white blood cells to… Read More
What is Bloat (or GDV) in Dogs?
Gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) is a deadly condition most prevalent in large, deep-chested dogs. When GDV occurs, the stomach fills with gas, causing gastric dilatation or “bloat” in its early stages. Sometimes, the condition does not go beyond a… Read More
Everything to Know About Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs
A mast cell is a kind of white blood cell active in multiple body tissues. Mast cells play a huge role in battling against parasites and the allergic response. They release compounds and chemicals in a process known as degranulation…. Read More
National Pet Fire Safety Day: Keeping Your Pet Safe from the Unexpected
Emergencies can occur at any moment and can arrive in several ways. While we might not entirely prevent such events from happening, we can prepare ourselves and our pets. In honor of National Pet Fire Safety Day on July 15,… Read More
Pet Travel Safety Checklist for Pet Owners
Traveling with your pet may be stressful for you and them, especially if you don’t feel prepared. Fortunately, we have created a pet travel safety checklist to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for you and your furry friend.
World Zoonoses Day: Let’s Talk Leptospirosis in Dogs
What is leptospirosis? It’s a zoonotic disease spread from animals to people, mainly from dogs, farm animals, and rodents. In most cases, this bacterium is unpleasant but not life-threatening. In honor of World Zoonoses Day on July 6, we’ll discuss… Read More
Adopt a Cat Month: How to Troubleshoot and Correct Litter Box Issues
Litter box issues are the most common behavior problems that we see in cats. The question is, why is your cat not using the litter box? Cats will urinate or defecate in inappropriate places for a multitude of reasons. Here… Read More
Introducing Cats to Dogs During Adopt a Cat Month
If your home already has a dog or two, and you’re ready to bring in a new cat this June, it’s important to consider their first meeting. If you let a loose cat and off-leash dog meet each other in… Read More
Adopt a Cat Month: Introducing Cats to Cats
Deciding to adopt a new cat is very exciting! There’s nothing like bringing a brand new fuzzy bundle of love into your home; however, introducing cats to cats can be stressful for you and your kitties. So, before you drop… Read More