Author Archive

  • Kennel Cough

    During summertime, there is a large increase in the number of vacations and trips for us humans, and consequently an increase in the number of dogs at kennels and boarding facilities.  As is the case with the first week of… Read More

  • Heartworm Disease

    Mosquitoes are more than an itchy pest for us humans.  While they are an annoyance to us, they pose a substantial health risk to our furry companions in the form of heartworm disease.  Mosquitoes can transmit heartworm disease to our… Read More

  • Fleas

    Winter is over, the flowers are blooming, and with the warm weather comes a rather unwanted side effect…fleas come out of hiding!  This time of year, it is especially important to protect our canine and feline companions with an effective… Read More

  • Lyme Disease: The Basics

    As the weather begins to warm and we are all able to spend more time outside with our pets, we are not the only ones coming out of winter hibernation…fleas and ticks are coming, too!  With tick exposure increasing in… Read More

  • Zoey’s Return to Function

    There are many benefits to a TPLO procedure following an ACL injury.  One of the greatest advantages to the procedure it creates an almost complete return to normal function following complete healing.  Zoey is ready to rock and roll this… Read More

  • Chocolate and Lily Toxicity

    As we approach the Valentine’s and Easter holidays, the potential toxic side effects to our pets from our presents becomes more of a risk.  While there are numerous human products that can be toxic to our furry companions (rat poison,… Read More

  • At-Home Dental Care

    As we get into our second month of dental awareness, a frequent question that we get from owners is what they can do at home to help promote healthy teeth.  What we need to keep in mind is these are… Read More

  • Dental Cleaning

    During our dental awareness months (January and February), all our dental procedures are 20% off.  It is important to understand all that goes into a thorough dental cleaning and exam on our furry companions, which contribute to the overall cost. … Read More

  • FORLs

    January and February are dental awareness months here at Mt. Carmel Animal Hospital.  All our dental procedures are 20% off, which makes a necessary medical procedure a little more manageable financially!  While there are many reasons to perform dental procedures… Read More

  • IVDD Part 2

    When an intervertebral disk bulges and pushes on the spinal cord, it affects the relay and transmission of signals in the nervous system.  The severity of the compression of the spinal cord directly can relate to the severity of the… Read More