Does your pet need the Lyme Disease vaccination? The Lyme vaccine might be a great way to protect your dog. Since it’s Immunization Awareness Month, let’s discuss more about the Lyme Disease vaccination for pets.
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Harford County: Presenting Immunization Awareness Month
As a pet parent, you want your pets always to be happy and healthy. This includes being informed on possible risks and infections, such as leptospirosis in pets. In honor of Immunization Awareness Month, Mount Carmel Animal Hospital near Harford… Read More
Southern York County, PA: What is Femoral Head Ostectomy?
A femoral head ostectomy (FHO) is a surgery that focuses on restoring pain-free mobility to a damaged or diseased hip by eliminating the head and neck of the dog’s femur, also known as long leg bone or thighbone. There are… Read More
Everything You Must Know About Anal Sac Disease in Dogs
If you have observed your dog scooting across the room on their bottom, it could indicate anal sac disease. Dogs have two minor pouches on either side of their anus. They make a smelly brown fluid that canines use to… Read More
Understanding Glaucoma in Dogs
Have you noticed your dog’s eyes squinting, cloudy, or bluish? Does your pet seem to constantly scratch or rub its eyes? Dogs, like humans, can develop glaucoma, an imbalance in eye fluid production and drainage that increases unhealthy levels of… Read More
Heat Stroke in Dogs: Caring for Your Pet This Summer
Summer has finally arrived, and we can feel the heat. Knowing how the heat impacts your pup is critical. Mount Carmel Animal Hospital informs readers about the dangerous consequences of heat stroke in dogs and when you should seek veterinary… Read More
Learning About Feline Leukemia Virus
Feline leukemia virus, or FeLV, is one of the most prevalent and significant infectious diseases in cats, especially in the United States and Canada. Fortunately, the incidence of FeLV in cats has decreased in the past two decades due to… Read More
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
In infected cats, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) weakens the immune system, exposing the cat to many other infections. It is similar to HIV (the cause of AIDS in humans) in that it attacks the immune system. Let’s explore this topic… Read More
Southern York County: Feline Urinary Obstruction
Have you noticed that your cat is unable to urinate correctly? It may be due to urethral obstruction (UO). Unfortunately, this feline urinary obstruction is prevalent in young to middle-aged male cats. Let’s explore more below. Consider Mount Carmel Animal… Read More
Medial Patellar Luxation in Dogs
Have you noticed your dog’s kneecap moving out of its usual location? This may be due to medial patellar luxation. Mount Carmel Animal Hospital shares information about medial patellar luxation in dogs in this article.