Author Archive

  • Chocolate and Lily Toxicity

    As we approach the Valentine’s and Easter holidays, the potential toxic side effects to our pets from our presents becomes more of a risk.  While there are numerous human products that can be toxic to our furry companions (rat poison,… Read More

  • At-Home Dental Care

    As we get into our second month of dental awareness, a frequent question that we get from owners is what they can do at home to help promote healthy teeth.  What we need to keep in mind is these are… Read More

  • Dental Cleaning

    During our dental awareness months (January and February), all our dental procedures are 20% off.  It is important to understand all that goes into a thorough dental cleaning and exam on our furry companions, which contribute to the overall cost. … Read More

  • FORLs

    January and February are dental awareness months here at Mt. Carmel Animal Hospital.  All our dental procedures are 20% off, which makes a necessary medical procedure a little more manageable financially!  While there are many reasons to perform dental procedures… Read More

  • IVDD Part 2

    When an intervertebral disk bulges and pushes on the spinal cord, it affects the relay and transmission of signals in the nervous system.  The severity of the compression of the spinal cord directly can relate to the severity of the… Read More

  • Zoey’s ACL Injury Part 6

    Physical therapy attempts to maintain muscle mass and range of motion in the affected leg while the bone is healing.  On average, bone takes approximately 8-12 weeks to heal in young, healthy dogs that are not overly active on their injured… Read More

  • Zoey’s ACL Injury Part 5

    There are multiple conditions that can benefit from a mainstay physical therapy in post-TPLO patients: the underwater treadmill.  Underwater treadmills are a great option for neurologic diseases, obesity and post-orthopedic patients.  They are effective due to the fact that they… Read More

  • Zoey’s ACL Injury Part 4

    Following surgery for a torn ACL, physical therapy is an extremely important part of the recovery process.  Initially after surgery, for the first two weeks the dog goes through “phase one” physical therapy.  There are multiple goals for this time period, including… Read More

  • Zoey’s ACL Injury Part 3

    After a torn ACL has been diagnosed, the next obvious step is what the treatment options are.  We will be discussing the most common surgical repair, the tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO).  The diagnostic xrays taken prior to surgery are… Read More

  • Zoey’s ACL Injury Part 2

    While clinical history and physical exam findings are helpful in allowing us to suspect a ruptured ACL, further diagnostics are needed to confirm the ligament is torn.  Typically, this involves sedation and xrays of the knee.  These animals usually need… Read More