Canines and felines can be excellent at hiding their pain since they cannot verbally tell us what’s wrong. The month of May is devoted to spreading awareness about pet arthritis, prevention, and treatment. Mount Carmel Animal Hospital informs its readers… Read More
Author Archive
Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA) in Dogs and Cats
Immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) has been reported in small animals for over 80 years but there has not been a perfect treatment for the disease. However, 75% of dogs with this condition can fully recover and lead a normal… Read More
Pet Allergy Awareness Month: Dog and Cat Allergies
Dogs and cats often experience allergies to grasses, mold, pollen, and dust, just as humans do. Unlike humans, our pets don’t always experience runny noses or watery eyes; they experience hair loss, itchy skin and feet, and recurring ear infections…. Read More
Southern York County: Presenting Hairball Awareness Day on April 26!
Even though it might not be as romantic as Valentine’s Day, Hairball Awareness Day reminds cat owners to learn more about hairballs, or furballs, and analyze their cats’ health. This is something essential that every pet parent should be aware… Read More
National Lyme Prevention Month: Lyme Disease in Pets
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that often spreads to joints and the kidneys, affecting dogs and people. Although it’s most prevalent in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and upper Midwest, the range has increased throughout much of North America. In honor… Read More
Presenting Heartworm Awareness Month
Heartworm disease is likely fatal to dogs without treatment and is caused by foot-long worms that linger in their heart, lungs, and blood vessels. When left untreated, canines can have hundreds of worms at a time, causing permanent damage to… Read More
Understanding Pneumothorax in Dogs
When a pneumothorax occurs, atmospheric air enters the pleural cavity from trauma due to other animals, car accidents, puncturing wounds, or spontaneously. Unfortunately, these circumstances can impact one or both lungs. The condition might be fatal if not successfully treated…. Read More
Osteoarthritis in Dogs and Cats
The most prevalent type of joint disease in dogs and cats is osteoarthritis. In pets with this joint disease, the cartilage lining at the end of the bone wears out, causing pain, inflammation, and stiffness where the bones rub together…. Read More
National Puppy Day in Harford County
Getting a new puppy is an exciting time for everyone. However, there is plenty to consider when you first bring your new puppy home, including walking, feeding, training, socialization, and vaccination. So, it’s essential to know what to do! In… Read More