Are you working on a resolution or more for a happier, healthier new year? Consider including some for your pet. Setting and accomplishing goals together is an excellent way to bond with your furry companion and pick up some mutually… Read More
Author Archive
Tick-Borne Diseases in Monkton, MD
Even though ticks appear like small insects, they are considered to be arachnids, such as mites and spiders. Ticks are often on people’s minds during summer, but they are known to be active all year. Unfortunately, ticks can carry serious… Read More
Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs
Hemangiosarcoma is a relatively prevalent type of cancer in dogs, accounting for approximately 5-7% of all tumors seen in dogs. In this article, Mount Carmel Animal Hospital explains in detail the significance of hemangiosarcoma in dogs.
Mystery Illness? Canine Respiratory Disease
We’re sure you’ve heard about this mystery illness affecting dogs in recent weeks. Since the United States doesn’t have a solid surveillance system for infectious diseases in dogs, it’s challenging to track and determine if it’s a canine respiratory disease…. Read More
What is Pancreatitis in Dogs?
Do you ever think about your dog’s risk of pancreatitis? Whether you do or not, read our animal hospital’s article to learn more about pancreatitis in dogs and the signs to watch out for.
Dietary Indiscretion and GI Upset in Pets
November and December abound with holiday celebrations, and nothing can spoil joy like an emergency trip to the veterinary clinic. If you want to share holiday treats with your furry companion, make or purchase treats made just for them. This… Read More
Understanding Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
Hip dysplasia is a genetic medical disease in which the hip joint doesn’t develop properly. Also, hip dysplasia is a prevalent orthopedic condition in dogs, with up to 70% of certain breeds experiencing the condition. This article informs about hip… Read More
Osteoarthritis Pain: Senior Pet Health Month
Does your cat or dog possibly have osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis pain can become a severe problem for your pet. If it’s found that your pet is displaying signs of OA-related pain, help your furry friend by talking to your veterinarian. In… Read More
Harford County: What is Ehrlichiosis in Dogs?
What is Ehrlichiosis? It’s a bacterial illness that dogs contract when bitten by a tick that is infected with the Ehrlichia organism. The brown dog tick usually carries it, which is commonly found in Maryland and Pennsylvania. For more information… Read More
Baltimore County: National Pet Wellness Month
The month of October might conjure up images of goblins, jack-o-lanterns, and ghouls, but pet owners have another reason to celebrate: It’s National Pet Wellness Month. There’s no better time to inspect your pet’s overall wellness and make healthy routine… Read More