Following these tips, have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend with your pet!
Labor Day weekend is officially here, so we’ll greet fall soon. However, we all want to celebrate the end of summer with some fun! We want to remind pet owners many traditional Labor Day celebrations and foods can harm our pets. Following these tips, have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend with your pet!
Beat the Heat Quickly
The weather can still be scorching even though it’s September. Pets can quickly dehydrate, so ensure your pet receives plenty of water. Also, provide plenty of shady areas for your furry friend to escape the sun. In addition, avoid allowing your pet to linger on hot asphalt pavement. Common signs of overheating in pets include excessive panting, dry or sticky gums, abnormal gum color (extremely red or pale), vomiting, and in extreme cases, collapsing or seizures. Heat stroke is a medical emergency! If you think your pet is potentially suffering from heat stroke, it is imperative to act quickly. Getting your dog’s temperature down is important, but this needs to be done in a safe and controlled manner. You can pour some cool (not cold) water over their head, stomach, armpits, and feet to assist in reducing your dog’s temperature, but you should absolutely get your dog medical attention from a veterinarian as soon as possible!
Pay Attention to Your Chemicals
Many people keep a stash of sunscreen or bug sprays during the warmer months. But remember that chemicals in these products can harm your pup. Plus, ingesting sunscreen products can lead to drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst, and lethargy. Additionally, the misuse of insect repellents, including the chemical DEET, can produce neurological problems in dogs and cats. Appreciate a safe and fun Labor Day weekend with your pet by keeping citronella candles, oil products, and insect coils out of their reach. And avoid applying insect repellent or sunscreen to your pet that is not specifically for use on animals. To determine that your pet is safe from the diseases bugs like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas may pose to your pet, we recommend you keep them on their regular preventatives, Sentinel Spectrum and Bravecto.
Keep Your Pet Away from Toxic Foods
Moreover, any changes to your furry friend’s diet can result in serious digestive ailments. For instance, keep your pet away from grapes, chocolate, raisins, onions, or sugar-free products made with xylitol (a sweetener). Also, never leave alcoholic liquids where your pet can reach them because it’s toxic to pets. Even sharing your cheeseburger can upset your pet’s belly due to its high-fat content. Small amounts of plain hamburger or grilled chicken without the skin can be okay but refrain from large portions or anything with high amounts of fat.
Guard the BBQ Grill Area
Besides maintaining pets away from the food on the grill, keep your furry friend away from the tools such as lighter fluid and matches. Particular matches contain chlorates, which can damage your pet’s blood cells and result in kidney disease or breathing difficulties if they ingest it. Furthermore, a curious pet can develop gastrointestinal irritation, skin irritation, aspiration pneumonia, and central system depression if they eat or inhale it. You also don’t want your excited pup too close to an open flame!
Consider Purchasing a Doggy Life Jacket
Always supervise your pet if you’ll be spending time by the water. Not all dogs are natural-born swimmers, and just like people, even strong swimmers can get tired, develop muscle cramping, or become overwhelmed by tides. A life jacket will help ensure your pet stays safe throughout their fun in the water.
Maintain Your Pet Calm During Fireworks
Unfortunately, loud noises can frighten most pets. For example, fireworks and pets don’t combine well. Additionally, exposure to lit fireworks can lead to serious trauma or burns. Many fireworks also contain possible toxic substances such as nitrate, arsenic, and potassium that can be fatal to your pet. Keep your pet pals safe and calm from loud noises in a quiet, escape-proof area.
Lastly, have a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend with your pet!
Here at Mount Carmel Animal Hospital, We’ll Treat Your Pets Like Family!
Mount Carmel Animal Hospital has been serving the Northern Baltimore/Southern York community for over 30 years and is proud to be an independently operated, small animal practice committed to excellence in veterinary medicine and client service. From grooming to wellness services, along with Canine Life Skills Training Courses, and surgical procedures, we have the expertise that will best serve the needs of you and your pet. Contact us at 410-343-0200 and follow us on Facebook!